Friday, February 1, 2013

Recipe Time!

 I've been partially bored of salads with salsa, lately. Don't get me wrong, it's super tasty, but when you have it EVERY single day, it can wear a little thin. I decided to make pico de gallo, because it's raw, low-cal, fat free... yum. But i didn't have any tomatoes. What I did have was a red pepper. Thus, Red Pepper Pico De Gallo was born. Super simple, SUPER tasty (I like it better than the tomato version) and absolutely bursting with nutrients your body craves. There are over 30 different carotenoids (including lycopene and zeaxanthin) that will keep your cells healthy and happy, remove cancer causing free-radicals, nourish your skin, and keep down bloat and inflammation.

Red Bell Pepper Pico De Gallo:

1 red bell pepper
1/2 red onion
1 handful fresh cilantro (I like a lot in mine)
1 clove garlic
1 TBS fresh lime juice

You can add jalapeno if you like it spicy
(I don't).

 I use this recipe as a dressing for salads and a dip for veggie sticks. Yummm.:) Happy and healthy!

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