Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sweet Tea is MINE! :D

As a Southern girl, one of the hardest things for me to give up is my sweet tea. It's all in the pursuit of health and well being, so it's worth it, but it is definitely a harder treat to say no to. I've tried adding powdered stevia to my teas, but, UUGH. Not a fan. Thus, my teas have been unsweetened if consumed at all. I've gone the stevia route, pouring little packets of white powder (sketch) into my drinks at the coffee shop. I just haven't been thrilled with the results. But NO MORE! I have found LIQUID STEVIA. Oh happy day! The aftertaste that many complain about, is nonexistent. I am so pleased with the results, i've been drinking tea non-stop for the past 2 days...AHH!
 Being healthy in this rather unhealthy society takes enough discipline as it is. Having a completely guiltless cup of sweet tea is something I have not enjoyed in about 3 years.