Thursday, January 10, 2013

Great Skin is Just a Salad Away

  One of the best ways to tell how healthy someone is, is the quality of their skin! Our skin is our largest organ, and what we ingest comes to the surface. If we want radiant, glowing skin, we must eat radiant, glowing foods. 

 I've been having skin texture issues for months now. Since early autumn, my skin has been so dry and flaky and gross. Just the surface of it looked uneven, blotchy, patchy...UUGH. I got so sick of it... So, as soon as Christmas (and all its ensuing feasts) passed, I decided enough was enough, and I was going to go plant-based, and mostly raw with my diet. I've stuck to it reasonably well, one day being militant about it, the next a little less than militant, but have overall been very successful in dropping animal products cold turkey. I've lost a little bit of weight, but the main area that I see improvement (in the mere 3 weeks I've been doing this) is my SKIN! Hallelujah! No more foundation for me. Nasty, skin coloured syrupy stuff. Gross.
 My skin has even improved so, that a co-worker told me tonight, "Wow, you have GREAT skin," of course, that felt awesome, and I replied, "I know! It's all those veggies, I don't even have to wear foundation!" I flatter myself to say that she thought I was wearing some. Haha. Anyway, even if you aren't quite ready to go full out vegan, one HUGE huge way to improve your complexion is to drink some green juices in the morning. I swear they hydrate and nourish your body better than anything I've tried so far. All of those detoxifying, beautifying, skin-brightening antioxidants get pumped straight into your bloodstream and right to the surface of your skin. It's magical. And so much less expensive than those mall-counter beauty creams or magazine remedies. I like to add chard stalks, broccoli stalks, spinach, celer, carrot, and red beet. It tastes delicious, and your complexion will thank you! :)

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