Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lemons Are A Girl's (or guys!) Best Friend

  Did you know, Lemons are superfoods? That's right, these "Golden Apples" as they were referred to in ancient Greece, contain over 200 digestive enzymes, bioflavonoids, and countless vitamins and minerals. I drink at least one glass of warm lemon water a day, always in the morning, and often at night to help digest dinner. The benefits of this amazing fruit are boundless.
  Lemon's incredible amount of enzymes help to sweep out a clogged stomach. They reduce and cure belching, bloating, heartburn, nausea, and other GI related issues by making hard to digest molecules easier for the body to push break down and push through. These amazing little proteins also detoxify the liver. The enzymes touch onto molecules of toxin, and break them into much smaller pieces so that the liver can expel them and flush them out of your body. In addition, they dissolve uric acid buildup, liquefy bile, and destroy other toxins.
Bioflavones contained in lemon are directly responsible for lemon's ability to help those with chronic nose bleeds and hemorrhaging. They stregthen the cappilaries and help the blood to coagulate, reduce bruising and bleeding gums.
  Vtamin C gives your immunity a huge boost. White blood cells build themselves around this essential vitamin, and fight off viruses and baceterial infections, even cancer! Collagen and catilage, the elements that keep our skin looking young, and our joints feeling young, can't form without this vital nutrient. Vitamin C has also been shown to help with ailments such as allergies, asthma, the common cold, glaucoma, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, osteoperosis, and even some forms of depression.

 For Weight loss, lemon aids in a few different ways. Studies have shown that lemon can reduce appetite, and help with sugar cravings, and even regulate blood sugar levels! Regulated blood sugar is essential to get rid of fat, whether you're working on losing that last 5, or 50. The LIVER is the body's primary fat burning organ. So keeping your liver clean and healthy is absolutely necessary to lose weight!

I hope this post has been somewhat enlightening...I could go on and on:) Try drinking hot lemon water at least twice a day! If you're under 150 pounds, half of an organic lemon in water twice daily is great. If you're over 150 pounds, it's best to go with a whole lemon. Add a little stevia if you wish. Enjoy!

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