Friday, January 31, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 15: Get Rid of Things

It's always a good idea to do a little spring cleaning. Clutter can cloud your concentration, among other things. However, this year, be motivated to take out the old and bring in the new not just to have a clean home, but to better your psyche as well.
Part of loving yourself is letting go of the old and bringing in the new; especially if you have a history of low self-esteem. The world is composed of energy. Matter is energy, you are energy, and the people around you are energy. Thus, all of the things in your home are (and have) energy as well. So go through all of your things, and make a purge of any possession that has a less than positive vibration.
Ditch the ex's old sweater
Rid yourself of the memorabilia from that friend that wronged you
Donate the socks or books, or bins, or whatever from that unhealthy period in your own life.
Don't cling to your past. Your past does not define you, and you must make your own identity. As you're purging, just reaffirm that you're ridding your life of  past mistakes and memories and making room for new, exciting and beautiful things to come. It's freeing.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Self-Love Challege, Day 14: Keep Yourself Accountable

We are two weeks into the Love Yourself Challenge and hopefully, you have made progress! Keep yourself accountable. Are you still trying to have a positive attitude towards yourself? Are you still reading those notes that remind you how awesome you really are? Are you accepting yourself completely? Are you neglecting yourself? Are you loving yourself enough?
Keep asking yourself these questions and remind yourself to be accountable. Like any relationship, the one you have with yourself requires time, effort, and sometimes just plain stubbornness. Don't quit!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Self-Love Challenge: Day 13. Pamper Yourself!

This is an easy one. The benefits of pampering yourself are immediate and gratifying, and that's ok! A little indulgence here and there is healthy and great for your psyche. Nothing says "I love you!" like a rose-scented bubble bath or a mug of hot coffee by the fireplace with a favourite book. Whatever your fancy is today, give into it! And don't feel guilty about enjoying yourself.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Self-Love Challenge: Day 12, Free Yourself From Having to be Right

Today, learn that being wrong isn't something to be ashamed of. Neither is being right. But you don't have to prove that to anyone either way.
Does arguing a point ever really get you anywhere? Does it further your spiritual growth? Does it make you healthy? Does it make you happy?
If the answer is no to any of those, then let it go. Being wrong is ok! You're no less of a person, and no less intelligent because of it. It's how we grow. Babies have to take 10 awkward, "wrong" steps to reach one good one at first, but the keep plopping on their butts and moving forward. To love ourselves, we must do the same.
Don't beat yourself up for a view or a word that you held or spoke incorrectly. It's of little long term relevance whether you were right or wrong. What does last is how you used that experience in your life to grow. Embrace the flawed individual that you are, own your mistakes, and take adversity as a gift to become a better human being.
No one looks at daisy and tells it that it's wrong for not smelling like a rose. No one criticizes a pine tree for producing cones and not acorns like an oak. They all exist in their glorious uniqueness for a reason. Don't let someone tell you that your way isn't good enough because it's not their way! Free yourself from the bonds of having to abide by the status quo.
Free yourself from having to be "right."
Allow yourself to be "wrong."
Dissolve the difference between them.
Love yourself regardless.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Self Love Challenge, Day 11: Make a Personal Mantra

A short and sweet post today! Happy weekend, readers!
Your goal today in your journey to self-love is to take some time to create a personal mantra. Mantras originate in Hinduism and Buddhism and are words or phrases that you repeat to yourself to affirm their truth in your life. They are powerful tools to changing your attitude and outlook towards life.
Here is one from the Dalai Lama himself. Let these words sink in, and revise them to suit your personality and lifestyle.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 10. Let Go of Others' Opinions

If I had to pinpoint one factor to utter lack of self-esteem and self-identity, it would be creating a vision of yourself through the opinions (or the self-fabricated opinions) of those around you. Let go of the catty co-worker's words, of your mother's disappointments, of your spouse's disapproval, etc. We are all flawed creatures, and none of us can judge any path but our own.
Stop seeing yourself from the eyes of others.
Stop viewing your success by how successful other people deem you.
Stop accepting the negative assumptions of others about you, your personality, your looks, your choices, your life, etc.
Stop creating opinions in others that aren't there. Stop projecting your own self-doubts onto others.
Create your own positive thoughts and measure your success by how satisfied you are in yourself. Do you like the path you're on?
Do you agree with the boundaries you've set in your life?
Do you feel satisfied with your situation in life?
Then don't sweat what other people have to say. The only person that has to live your life is you, and if you love it, then live it.

Self-Love Challenge, Day 9: A Little Hugging Goes a Long Way

  A little hugging goes a long way. Hugging can reduce stress levels, lowers your heart rate, releases anti-depressant hormones, and can even increases life span! It's an integral part of bonding and healing and trust in a relationship. And whose relationship is more important to you than the one with yourself?
Do you see where this is going?
  That's right. Why don't you try giving yourself a little love. When you feel overwhelmed, or stressed, or even when you feel excited, give yourself a big bear hug! Reward yourself with that loved and appreciated feeling that only physical touch can communicate.
  It might sound strange at first, but seriously. My cats do it all the time! And if there is one thing that those little buggers are good at, it's loving themselves ;) When they are relaxed and happy, they stretch out their little furry arms and wrap themselves up in a great big embrace, and I swear they smile when they do it. Take a cue. It's great for the self-esteem.