Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 9: A Little Hugging Goes a Long Way

  A little hugging goes a long way. Hugging can reduce stress levels, lowers your heart rate, releases anti-depressant hormones, and can even increases life span! It's an integral part of bonding and healing and trust in a relationship. And whose relationship is more important to you than the one with yourself?
Do you see where this is going?
  That's right. Why don't you try giving yourself a little love. When you feel overwhelmed, or stressed, or even when you feel excited, give yourself a big bear hug! Reward yourself with that loved and appreciated feeling that only physical touch can communicate.
  It might sound strange at first, but seriously. My cats do it all the time! And if there is one thing that those little buggers are good at, it's loving themselves ;) When they are relaxed and happy, they stretch out their little furry arms and wrap themselves up in a great big embrace, and I swear they smile when they do it. Take a cue. It's great for the self-esteem.

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