Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 1: How do you treat yourself?

The easiest way to really create a sense of self worth is to really get to know yourself.
That may sound silly at first. Of course I know myself! I live with myself ever day! I see the same face in the same mirror and deal with the same emotions every single day of my life. It's not like I can really take a break from being me.
Well, knowing yourself is, truly, much more complicated than it seems. Often, we overlook our own wants and needs and aspirations to accommodate others or to make them happy. I.e. people pleasing. People pleasing is the absolute best way to lose who you are at your core. Modifying your personality, your self-expression, even your eating habits to satisfy someone else's needs makes for a very dissatisfied and unfulfilled self.
Measuring our self worth by how well others are pleased with us is a well trodden path, but one that ultimately leads to disappointment, exhaustion, and frustration. You'll never be whole, because someone somewhere is not going to like something about you. You may cut and color your hair to please your best friend, but your mom may dislike it. You may eat steak, even though you don't like it, to not seem like one of those "weird" people that have a "restrictive" diet plan, but alas, you have displeased the vegetarian across the room.
People pleasing is a never ending, treacherous free fall to self-destruction. It leads to self-suppression, self-degradation and self-loathing. If only I was perfect, not this way or that, then everyone would love me.
The only real way to find happiness in this life, and to love others and the world around you best, is first to realise your SELF. Realise that your life is a gift to the universe worth sharing. Over the next 31 days, we're going to take small steps away from people pleasing, and towards accepting ourselves and reveling in our worth. I strongly suggest keeping a journal over the next month to record your progress. Record your struggles, record your strengths, record your triumphs. Writing has the powerful effect of materializing your thought process so that you can more objectively observe your own mind.

Today, day 1, write down everything you say to yourself about yourself. If you look in the mirror and say something negative to yourself, record it. If you eat a healthful lunch, and you think to yourself "I am proud of myself for making a choice towards health today," record it. Write down every thought you have about yourself today. Positive, negative, neutral. Write it all down. Don't force your thoughts! Remember, honesty is crucial to learning how to accept yourself. At the end of the day, review, and separate your thoughts into two columns, kind and unkind. Make a tally, and meditate on what you see on the page. Keep the list. You'll need it later!

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