Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Self-Love Challenge, Day 5: You Know What You Like, Now Participate!

Yesterday, we took a few moments out of our day to record the things we like. Whether its warm coffee, yellow tulips, a bubble bath, or a solitary walk in nature, take one of your favourite things, and indulge yourself. Make the time to treat yourself! It's only day 5, but I hope you've begun to realise that you really need to make time for and take care of yourself. The only way to truly gain self-love is to prove to yourself that you are worth it. You have to woo yourself the same way you would expect a lover to prove his affection. Would you accept "love" from someone who is constantly putting you down? Who is constantly putting you last? Who is constantly pointing out your deficiencies and telling you that you're not good enough?? NO! Of course not! You want someone who is going to uplift you and show you adoration and commitment through time, gifts, hugs, kind words, etc.
Guess what.

Here's a secret...
That person can be YOU! You can be your own worst enemy, or your own best lover.
Let yourself know that you love yourself, by saying it. Let yourself know you adore and know yourself today. Buy the warm coffee (and don't skimp! If your favourite is a $6.00 latte, get the $6.00 latte!), pick up a vase of yellow tulips, run yourself a luxurious bubble bath, or take that walk down a woodland path! These are special little personalized gifts that you can share with yourself to show you care!

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