Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Self-Love Challege, Day 6, & 7

Sorry about the gap, readers. Sometimes life comes at you full speed and then slams on the breaks, and you end up somewhere in the Briar patch! ;)

Anyway, day 6's goal is to accept compliments graciously, and wholeheartedly! If someone gives you a compliment, it's a gift from that person. Take it without apology. Always say YES to gifts. Don't make excuses for your good qualities that others point out to you. If someone offers a kind word, don't demean your worth and, simultaneously, their words, by responding with, "well, it's just this new makeup I'm wearing," or a "I'm not really that smart, I just read a lot." Or whatever. Instead, just keep your mouth closed, thank the one offering you kindness, and accept. Let their words soak in, and allow yourself to be flattered, and feel a sense of pride.

Day 7:
Health is a beautiful thing. Being well and feeling well is a major step in the direction of loving yourself. There is an old saying, "you are what you eat," though cliche, holds infinite truth. If you love yourself, you will naturally take better care of yourself. The best way you can care for your body and your mind is to make positive changes in your daily eating habits. Start making better, healthier choices. You deserve clear skin, healthy weight, and boundless energy. Be the best you can be! You would never try to suppress the health and wellness of someone you loved, would you?  Don't deny yourself a renewed mind, and a renewed body to go with it! Figure out what step would propel you in the direction of better health, whether its cutting out sodas, potato chips, or some other beauty destroying food, or simply adding more fruits and vegetables to an already well-balanced diet. Make positive choices! Healthy body = healthy mind = healthy emotions = healthy soul.

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