Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Self Love-Challenge Day 2: Be Kind to Yourself!

Today, you should have a page or so of thoughts you had towards yourself. Look over them. Ponder them. And throughout the day, BE KIND TO YOURSELF.  Again, keep track of the words you're saying, the feelings you're having towards yourself. Be conscious of your attitude. Whenever you catch yourself saying something negative, stop yourself, and turn it around to something positive!
It's not that hard, just be kind. Would you take what you're telling yourself, and project that same feeling and those same words to someone you loved? Probably not. You'd hurt them, right?
Well, be aware--you're doing yourself the same damage and causing the same amount of hurt and resentment that you would to a close friend. Not so good for the self-esteem. Tomorrow, we'll take it a step further! Keep motivated, and remember, YOU are worth this!

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