Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 10. Let Go of Others' Opinions

If I had to pinpoint one factor to utter lack of self-esteem and self-identity, it would be creating a vision of yourself through the opinions (or the self-fabricated opinions) of those around you. Let go of the catty co-worker's words, of your mother's disappointments, of your spouse's disapproval, etc. We are all flawed creatures, and none of us can judge any path but our own.
Stop seeing yourself from the eyes of others.
Stop viewing your success by how successful other people deem you.
Stop accepting the negative assumptions of others about you, your personality, your looks, your choices, your life, etc.
Stop creating opinions in others that aren't there. Stop projecting your own self-doubts onto others.
Create your own positive thoughts and measure your success by how satisfied you are in yourself. Do you like the path you're on?
Do you agree with the boundaries you've set in your life?
Do you feel satisfied with your situation in life?
Then don't sweat what other people have to say. The only person that has to live your life is you, and if you love it, then live it.

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