Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Self-Love Challenge: Day 8. Be Flexible! Say YES!

  Take today to start being more spontaneous. Start saying yes to your whims. If you're cleaning the bathroom and have the sudden urge to run outside and walk barefoot in the grass, then do it! The bathroom can wait, and as you say yes to you, you'll find you learn more and more and more about yourself. Thank yourself for your creativity, for your free spirit.
  Breed a sense of door opening into your soul. If you constantly say no, your chances of leaving the box of social constructs and rigid time constraints are slim. There's a whole wide world of self-discovery just waiting for you--just outside of the nos and can'ts and won'ts. Don't be the girl that stifles her heart, her inner voice. Be the girl that loves and listens and nurtures to that voice, because that voice is ALL YOU. This attitude of acceptance will exude love of self, and it will become easier and easier to be curious, and to believe in yourself, to trust your feelings, and to begin living the life you were meant to live.

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