Thursday, January 16, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 3: Learn to Accept Love from Within

Too often, we are taught that true love comes from external places. Family, friends, co-workers, boyfriends, husbands, children, even pets are what we count on every day to fulfill our needs for affection and attention. We sigh if our phone doesn't ring often enough to make us feel appreciated. We frown when the picture we upload to facebook doesn't get enough likes. But the next few weeks are about letting go and re-prioritizing, so lets get used to the idea that all of the love we need to sustain ourselves comes from within ourselves!!!
Today's objective is to write little loves notes to yourself and stick them in conspicuous places. Stick them on every mirror, on the shower curtain, on your desk at the office, anywhere! Constantly remind yourself that you are worth celebrating. Each time you see one of your notes, take a few seconds to repeat them to yourself. Believe in their truth. If your note is like the one pictured, say over and over "you are enough, you are enough, you are enough," until it feels natural. Complimenting yourself needs to come like second nature. We don't bat an eyelash when we discredit ourselves, do we? Yet a simple "I am beautiful" trips us up and makes us blush. It should flow naturally. It's time to start a revolution! Today! Practice being kind to yourself.

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