Friday, January 31, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 15: Get Rid of Things

It's always a good idea to do a little spring cleaning. Clutter can cloud your concentration, among other things. However, this year, be motivated to take out the old and bring in the new not just to have a clean home, but to better your psyche as well.
Part of loving yourself is letting go of the old and bringing in the new; especially if you have a history of low self-esteem. The world is composed of energy. Matter is energy, you are energy, and the people around you are energy. Thus, all of the things in your home are (and have) energy as well. So go through all of your things, and make a purge of any possession that has a less than positive vibration.
Ditch the ex's old sweater
Rid yourself of the memorabilia from that friend that wronged you
Donate the socks or books, or bins, or whatever from that unhealthy period in your own life.
Don't cling to your past. Your past does not define you, and you must make your own identity. As you're purging, just reaffirm that you're ridding your life of  past mistakes and memories and making room for new, exciting and beautiful things to come. It's freeing.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Self-Love Challege, Day 14: Keep Yourself Accountable

We are two weeks into the Love Yourself Challenge and hopefully, you have made progress! Keep yourself accountable. Are you still trying to have a positive attitude towards yourself? Are you still reading those notes that remind you how awesome you really are? Are you accepting yourself completely? Are you neglecting yourself? Are you loving yourself enough?
Keep asking yourself these questions and remind yourself to be accountable. Like any relationship, the one you have with yourself requires time, effort, and sometimes just plain stubbornness. Don't quit!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Self-Love Challenge: Day 13. Pamper Yourself!

This is an easy one. The benefits of pampering yourself are immediate and gratifying, and that's ok! A little indulgence here and there is healthy and great for your psyche. Nothing says "I love you!" like a rose-scented bubble bath or a mug of hot coffee by the fireplace with a favourite book. Whatever your fancy is today, give into it! And don't feel guilty about enjoying yourself.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Self-Love Challenge: Day 12, Free Yourself From Having to be Right

Today, learn that being wrong isn't something to be ashamed of. Neither is being right. But you don't have to prove that to anyone either way.
Does arguing a point ever really get you anywhere? Does it further your spiritual growth? Does it make you healthy? Does it make you happy?
If the answer is no to any of those, then let it go. Being wrong is ok! You're no less of a person, and no less intelligent because of it. It's how we grow. Babies have to take 10 awkward, "wrong" steps to reach one good one at first, but the keep plopping on their butts and moving forward. To love ourselves, we must do the same.
Don't beat yourself up for a view or a word that you held or spoke incorrectly. It's of little long term relevance whether you were right or wrong. What does last is how you used that experience in your life to grow. Embrace the flawed individual that you are, own your mistakes, and take adversity as a gift to become a better human being.
No one looks at daisy and tells it that it's wrong for not smelling like a rose. No one criticizes a pine tree for producing cones and not acorns like an oak. They all exist in their glorious uniqueness for a reason. Don't let someone tell you that your way isn't good enough because it's not their way! Free yourself from the bonds of having to abide by the status quo.
Free yourself from having to be "right."
Allow yourself to be "wrong."
Dissolve the difference between them.
Love yourself regardless.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Self Love Challenge, Day 11: Make a Personal Mantra

A short and sweet post today! Happy weekend, readers!
Your goal today in your journey to self-love is to take some time to create a personal mantra. Mantras originate in Hinduism and Buddhism and are words or phrases that you repeat to yourself to affirm their truth in your life. They are powerful tools to changing your attitude and outlook towards life.
Here is one from the Dalai Lama himself. Let these words sink in, and revise them to suit your personality and lifestyle.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 10. Let Go of Others' Opinions

If I had to pinpoint one factor to utter lack of self-esteem and self-identity, it would be creating a vision of yourself through the opinions (or the self-fabricated opinions) of those around you. Let go of the catty co-worker's words, of your mother's disappointments, of your spouse's disapproval, etc. We are all flawed creatures, and none of us can judge any path but our own.
Stop seeing yourself from the eyes of others.
Stop viewing your success by how successful other people deem you.
Stop accepting the negative assumptions of others about you, your personality, your looks, your choices, your life, etc.
Stop creating opinions in others that aren't there. Stop projecting your own self-doubts onto others.
Create your own positive thoughts and measure your success by how satisfied you are in yourself. Do you like the path you're on?
Do you agree with the boundaries you've set in your life?
Do you feel satisfied with your situation in life?
Then don't sweat what other people have to say. The only person that has to live your life is you, and if you love it, then live it.

Self-Love Challenge, Day 9: A Little Hugging Goes a Long Way

  A little hugging goes a long way. Hugging can reduce stress levels, lowers your heart rate, releases anti-depressant hormones, and can even increases life span! It's an integral part of bonding and healing and trust in a relationship. And whose relationship is more important to you than the one with yourself?
Do you see where this is going?
  That's right. Why don't you try giving yourself a little love. When you feel overwhelmed, or stressed, or even when you feel excited, give yourself a big bear hug! Reward yourself with that loved and appreciated feeling that only physical touch can communicate.
  It might sound strange at first, but seriously. My cats do it all the time! And if there is one thing that those little buggers are good at, it's loving themselves ;) When they are relaxed and happy, they stretch out their little furry arms and wrap themselves up in a great big embrace, and I swear they smile when they do it. Take a cue. It's great for the self-esteem.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Self-Love Challenge: Day 8. Be Flexible! Say YES!

  Take today to start being more spontaneous. Start saying yes to your whims. If you're cleaning the bathroom and have the sudden urge to run outside and walk barefoot in the grass, then do it! The bathroom can wait, and as you say yes to you, you'll find you learn more and more and more about yourself. Thank yourself for your creativity, for your free spirit.
  Breed a sense of door opening into your soul. If you constantly say no, your chances of leaving the box of social constructs and rigid time constraints are slim. There's a whole wide world of self-discovery just waiting for you--just outside of the nos and can'ts and won'ts. Don't be the girl that stifles her heart, her inner voice. Be the girl that loves and listens and nurtures to that voice, because that voice is ALL YOU. This attitude of acceptance will exude love of self, and it will become easier and easier to be curious, and to believe in yourself, to trust your feelings, and to begin living the life you were meant to live.

Self-Love Challege, Day 6, & 7

Sorry about the gap, readers. Sometimes life comes at you full speed and then slams on the breaks, and you end up somewhere in the Briar patch! ;)

Anyway, day 6's goal is to accept compliments graciously, and wholeheartedly! If someone gives you a compliment, it's a gift from that person. Take it without apology. Always say YES to gifts. Don't make excuses for your good qualities that others point out to you. If someone offers a kind word, don't demean your worth and, simultaneously, their words, by responding with, "well, it's just this new makeup I'm wearing," or a "I'm not really that smart, I just read a lot." Or whatever. Instead, just keep your mouth closed, thank the one offering you kindness, and accept. Let their words soak in, and allow yourself to be flattered, and feel a sense of pride.

Day 7:
Health is a beautiful thing. Being well and feeling well is a major step in the direction of loving yourself. There is an old saying, "you are what you eat," though cliche, holds infinite truth. If you love yourself, you will naturally take better care of yourself. The best way you can care for your body and your mind is to make positive changes in your daily eating habits. Start making better, healthier choices. You deserve clear skin, healthy weight, and boundless energy. Be the best you can be! You would never try to suppress the health and wellness of someone you loved, would you?  Don't deny yourself a renewed mind, and a renewed body to go with it! Figure out what step would propel you in the direction of better health, whether its cutting out sodas, potato chips, or some other beauty destroying food, or simply adding more fruits and vegetables to an already well-balanced diet. Make positive choices! Healthy body = healthy mind = healthy emotions = healthy soul.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Self-Love Challenge, Day 5: You Know What You Like, Now Participate!

Yesterday, we took a few moments out of our day to record the things we like. Whether its warm coffee, yellow tulips, a bubble bath, or a solitary walk in nature, take one of your favourite things, and indulge yourself. Make the time to treat yourself! It's only day 5, but I hope you've begun to realise that you really need to make time for and take care of yourself. The only way to truly gain self-love is to prove to yourself that you are worth it. You have to woo yourself the same way you would expect a lover to prove his affection. Would you accept "love" from someone who is constantly putting you down? Who is constantly putting you last? Who is constantly pointing out your deficiencies and telling you that you're not good enough?? NO! Of course not! You want someone who is going to uplift you and show you adoration and commitment through time, gifts, hugs, kind words, etc.
Guess what.

Here's a secret...
That person can be YOU! You can be your own worst enemy, or your own best lover.
Let yourself know that you love yourself, by saying it. Let yourself know you adore and know yourself today. Buy the warm coffee (and don't skimp! If your favourite is a $6.00 latte, get the $6.00 latte!), pick up a vase of yellow tulips, run yourself a luxurious bubble bath, or take that walk down a woodland path! These are special little personalized gifts that you can share with yourself to show you care!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 4: Get to Know Yourself

You've been (hopefully!) leaving lots of positive words laying around for yourself. I hope they're encouraging, and helping you remember how valuable and worthy you are of kindness!
Today's post is a short one (new job obligations, whoo!) but an important one none the less. I'll expound on it more tomorrow. Today, sit down with a large, blank (unlined) sheet of paper and a pen, marker, pencil, paintbrush, whatever, and write or draw some of your favourite things. Don't confine yourself to ruled paper, let your self expression flow. This exercise is to allow you to unashamedly share your pleasures in life with yourself. Go for it, and don't be shy! Share even your silliest favourites, because they're all important, and they're all you!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 3: Learn to Accept Love from Within

Too often, we are taught that true love comes from external places. Family, friends, co-workers, boyfriends, husbands, children, even pets are what we count on every day to fulfill our needs for affection and attention. We sigh if our phone doesn't ring often enough to make us feel appreciated. We frown when the picture we upload to facebook doesn't get enough likes. But the next few weeks are about letting go and re-prioritizing, so lets get used to the idea that all of the love we need to sustain ourselves comes from within ourselves!!!
Today's objective is to write little loves notes to yourself and stick them in conspicuous places. Stick them on every mirror, on the shower curtain, on your desk at the office, anywhere! Constantly remind yourself that you are worth celebrating. Each time you see one of your notes, take a few seconds to repeat them to yourself. Believe in their truth. If your note is like the one pictured, say over and over "you are enough, you are enough, you are enough," until it feels natural. Complimenting yourself needs to come like second nature. We don't bat an eyelash when we discredit ourselves, do we? Yet a simple "I am beautiful" trips us up and makes us blush. It should flow naturally. It's time to start a revolution! Today! Practice being kind to yourself.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Self Love-Challenge Day 2: Be Kind to Yourself!

Today, you should have a page or so of thoughts you had towards yourself. Look over them. Ponder them. And throughout the day, BE KIND TO YOURSELF.  Again, keep track of the words you're saying, the feelings you're having towards yourself. Be conscious of your attitude. Whenever you catch yourself saying something negative, stop yourself, and turn it around to something positive!
It's not that hard, just be kind. Would you take what you're telling yourself, and project that same feeling and those same words to someone you loved? Probably not. You'd hurt them, right?
Well, be aware--you're doing yourself the same damage and causing the same amount of hurt and resentment that you would to a close friend. Not so good for the self-esteem. Tomorrow, we'll take it a step further! Keep motivated, and remember, YOU are worth this!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Self-Love Challenge, Day 1: How do you treat yourself?

The easiest way to really create a sense of self worth is to really get to know yourself.
That may sound silly at first. Of course I know myself! I live with myself ever day! I see the same face in the same mirror and deal with the same emotions every single day of my life. It's not like I can really take a break from being me.
Well, knowing yourself is, truly, much more complicated than it seems. Often, we overlook our own wants and needs and aspirations to accommodate others or to make them happy. I.e. people pleasing. People pleasing is the absolute best way to lose who you are at your core. Modifying your personality, your self-expression, even your eating habits to satisfy someone else's needs makes for a very dissatisfied and unfulfilled self.
Measuring our self worth by how well others are pleased with us is a well trodden path, but one that ultimately leads to disappointment, exhaustion, and frustration. You'll never be whole, because someone somewhere is not going to like something about you. You may cut and color your hair to please your best friend, but your mom may dislike it. You may eat steak, even though you don't like it, to not seem like one of those "weird" people that have a "restrictive" diet plan, but alas, you have displeased the vegetarian across the room.
People pleasing is a never ending, treacherous free fall to self-destruction. It leads to self-suppression, self-degradation and self-loathing. If only I was perfect, not this way or that, then everyone would love me.
The only real way to find happiness in this life, and to love others and the world around you best, is first to realise your SELF. Realise that your life is a gift to the universe worth sharing. Over the next 31 days, we're going to take small steps away from people pleasing, and towards accepting ourselves and reveling in our worth. I strongly suggest keeping a journal over the next month to record your progress. Record your struggles, record your strengths, record your triumphs. Writing has the powerful effect of materializing your thought process so that you can more objectively observe your own mind.

Today, day 1, write down everything you say to yourself about yourself. If you look in the mirror and say something negative to yourself, record it. If you eat a healthful lunch, and you think to yourself "I am proud of myself for making a choice towards health today," record it. Write down every thought you have about yourself today. Positive, negative, neutral. Write it all down. Don't force your thoughts! Remember, honesty is crucial to learning how to accept yourself. At the end of the day, review, and separate your thoughts into two columns, kind and unkind. Make a tally, and meditate on what you see on the page. Keep the list. You'll need it later!

Monday, January 13, 2014

It's the Season of Love!

Tomorrow marks one month until the most love filled day of the year: Valentines Day! And what better way to celebrate love than to celebrate the love you have for yourself???
Too often, we focus on buying gifts and finding dates and eating candies, but is this really the ultimate expression of romance? Sure, there's no harm in all of the cards and flowers, but those last a week or two, then are tossed out and forgotten. This year, make an effort to bring about some lasting love into your life. Start a love affair with yourself.

That's right! Let's take a journey together, and over the next 31 days, learn to cultivate an attitude of self appreciation, self-gratitude, self-forgiveness, and self-love!
Each day, for the next month, make one small step in the direction of realising your value, your worth, your gifts, and your glorious self.
Loving the ones around you beings with the love you accept for yourself. So let's make sure we are well prepared to dish out the hugs and kisses this Valentines Day, by filling our hearts with an abundance of graciousness and positive energy!